Thursday, April 30, 2009

Memorial of St. Pius V, Supreme Pontiff - 237.8

A little bit of a bright spot for the first time in a while. Hopefully I can finish April with a flourish.

Daily change: -2.4
WTD change: -4.0
7 days loss: -1.8
April loss: -6.0
Cumulative loss: -28.6
Left to go: 57.8

April record - 19-9-1 (.672)
Overall record - 45-17-2 (.719)


Wednesday was the feast of St. Catherine of Siena, who is the rarest of creatures - a virgin and Doctor of the Church not named Teresa.

Daily change: -0.2
WTD change: -1.6
7 days gain: 0.0
April loss: -3.6
Cumulative loss: -26.2
Left to go: 60.2

April record - 18-9-1 (.661)
Overall record - 44-17-2 (.714)


Tuesday was the feast of several great saints - St. Louis de Montfort, St. Peter Chanel, and St. Gianna Molla.

Daily change: +0.4
WTD change: -1.4
7 days gain: 0.8
April loss: -3.4
Cumulative loss: -26.0
Left to go: 60.4

April record - 17-9-1 (.648)
Overall record - 43-17-2 (.710)


This was Monday's weigh-in. I can live with gaining two pounds on my 5th anniversary weekend, especially since it's already gone.

Daily change: -1.8
WTD change: -1.8
7 days loss: -1.0
April loss: -3.8
Cumulative loss: -26.4
Left to go: 60.0

April record - 17-8-1 (.673)
Overall record - 43-16-2 (.721)

Second Sunday After Easter - 241.8

I honestly don't think this number was right. I hiked for three hours on Saturday, and ate 2 bowls of salad with dinner. I've never said this before, but I think the scale was off. Even with two pints of Guinness, there's no way I gained three pounds on Saturday.

On an up note, High Mass at St. Michael's in Scranton was lovely, and we had a great time with Lord Fitz and his ladies.

Daily change: +2.6
WTD change: +3.2
7 days gain: +3.2
April loss: -2.0
Cumulative loss: -24.6
Left to go: 61.8

April record - 16-8-1 (.660)
Overall record - 42-16-2 (.717)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Feast of St. Mark, Evangelist - 239.2

Also celebrated on this day (at least in former days, when men loved Jesus) were the Greater Litanies:

Daily change: +1.0
WTD change: +0.6
7 days loss: -2.2
April loss: -4.6
Cumulative loss: -27.2
Left to go: 59.2

April record - 16-7-1 (.688)
Overall record - 42-15-2 (.729)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Memorial of St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen - 238.2

Anthony, do you take Holly, here present, for your lawful wife according to the rite of our holy mother, the Church? - I do.

Holly, do you take Anthony, here present, for your lawful husband according to the rite of our holy mother, the Church? - I do.

I, Anthony, take you, Holly, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

I, Holly, take you, Anthony, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

Ego coniungo vos in matrimónium: In nómine Patris et Fílii, et + Spíritus Sancti. Amen.

See? Marriage is easy. For maximum results, the above should be followed by Mass (preferably in Latin), softball, and a pig roast.

St. Fidelis, pray for us and for the continued success and strengthing of our marriage.

Daily change: -1.4
WTD change: -0.4
7 days loss: -2.6
April loss: -5.6
Cumulative loss: -28.2
Left to go: 58.2

April record - 16-6-1 (.717)
Overall record - 42-14-2 (.741)

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Happy 445th birthday, William Shakespeare!

Daily change: -0.6
WTD change: +1.0
7 days gain: +2.4
April loss: -4.2
Cumulative loss: -26.8
Left to go: 59.6

April record - 15-6-1 (.705)
Overall record - 41-14-2 (.737)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day - 240.2

Two panzarottis for dinner is not going to get it done.
On a (somewhat) up note, I did 68 sit-ups in my initial test, which is considered "very good". I hope I was doing them right....

Daily change: +0.6
WTD change: +1.6
7 days gain: +3.0
April loss: -3.6
Cumulative loss: -26.2
Left to go: 60.2

April record - 14-6-1 (.690)
Overall record - 40-14-2 (.732)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Starting the 200 Situps program today (as advertised on Building Cathedrals):

Daily change: -1.4
WTD change: +1.0
7 days gain: 0.0
April loss: -4.2
Cumulative loss: -26.8
Left to go: 59.6

April record - 14-5-1 (.725)
Overall record - 40-13-2 (.745)

The first day that doesn't have a title - 241.0

I think it's time to start running instead of walking.

Daily change: +2.4
WTD change: +2.4
7 days gain: +0.8
April loss: -2.8
Cumulative loss: -25.4
Left to go: 61.0

April record - 13-5-1 (.711)
Overall record - 39-13-2 (.741)

Second Easter Sunday - 238.6

AKA Low Sunday, AKA Dominica in albis, AKA Quasimodo Sunday, AKA Feast of Mercy....

Jesus, I trust in you. O blood and water which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of mercy for us, I trust in you. St. Faustina, pray for us.

Daily change: -2.8
WTD change: +1.0
7 days gain: +1.0
April loss: -5.2
Cumulative loss: -27.8
Left to go: 58.6

April record - 13-4-1 (.750)
Overall record - 39-12-2 (.755)

Solemnity of Easter Saturday - 241.4

My first losing streak, and I'm furious about it.

Daily change: +0.6
WTD change: +3.8
7 days gain: +3.4
April loss: -2.4
Cumulative loss: -25.0
Left to go: 61.4

April record - 12-4-1 (.735)
Overall record - 38-12-2 (.750)

Solemnity of Easter Friday - 240.8

Absolutely inexplicable.

Daily change: +3.6
WTD change: +3.2
7 days gain: +1.6
April loss: -3.0
Cumulative loss: -25.6
Left to go: 60.8

April record - 12-3-1 (.781)
Overall record - 38-11-2 (.765)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Solemnity of Easter Thursday - 237.2

I hope the next 50 days are as productive as these have been.

Daily change: 0.0
WTD change: -0.4
7 days loss: -2.4
April loss: -6.6
Cumulative loss: -29.2
Left to go: 57.2

April record - 12-2-1 (.833)
Overall record - 38-10-2 (.780)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Solemnity of Easter Wednesday - 237.2

It's almost as if eating better makes you feel better.

Daily change: -2.4
WTD change: -0.4
7 days loss: -3.4
April loss: -6.6
Cumulative loss: -29.2
Left to go: 57.2

April record - 12-2 (.857)
Overall record - 38-10-1 (.786)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Solemnity of Easter Tuesday - 239.6

Let's just say eating Wendy's and Taco Bell (twice) is not the best idea when you haven't eaten fast food in seven weeks....

Daily change: -0.6
WTD change: +2.0
7 days loss: -1.6
April loss: -4.2
Cumulative loss: -26.8
Left to go: 59.6

April record - 11-2 (.846)
Overall record - 37-10-1 (.781)

Monday, April 13, 2009

RIP Harry Kalas, 1936-2009

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Solemnity of Easter Monday - 240.2

Three Masses and two dinners later...

Daily change: +2.6
WTD change: +2.6
7 days loss: -1.4
April loss: -3.6
Cumulative loss: -26.2
Left to go: 60.2

April record - 10-2 (.833)
Overall record - 36-10-1 (.777)

Dies Resurrectionis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi - 237.6

Daily change: -0.4
WTD change: -3.2
7 days loss: -3.2
April loss: -6.2
Cumulative loss: -28.8
Left to go: 57.6

April record - 10-1 (.909)
Overall record - 36-9-1 (.793)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Holy Saturday - 238.0

"He descended into Hell":

Daily change: -1.2
WTD change: -2.8
7 days loss: -3.0
April loss: -5.8
Cumulative loss: -28.4
Left to go: 58.0

April record - 9-1 (.900)
Overall record - 35-9-1 (.789)

Good Friday

After this Jesus, knowing that all was finished, said (to fulfil the scripture), “I thirst.” A bowl full of vinegar stood there; so they put a sponge full of the vinegar on hyssop and held it to his mouth. When Jesus had received the vinegar, he said, “It is finished”: and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Maundy Thursday - 239.6

"For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread,and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, 'This is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.' In the same way also the cup, after supper, saying, 'This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.' For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes."

Daily change: -1.0
WTD change: -1.2
7 days loss: -3.2
April loss: -4.2
Cumulative loss: -26.8
Left to go: 59.6

April record - 7-1 (.875)
Overall record - 33-9-1 (.779)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wednesday in Holy Week - 240.6

If walking 6 miles and fasting can't get me under 240, I don't know how I'm ever going to get to 235.

"One of the Twelve, who was called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, 'What are you willing to give me if I hand him over to you?' They paid him thirty pieces of silver, and from that time on he looked for an opportunity to hand him over."

A blessed and holy Spy Wednesday to all.

Daily change: -0.6
WTD change: -0.2
7 days loss: -3.2
April loss: -3.2
Cumulative loss: -25.8
Left to go: 60.6

April record - 6-1 (.857)
Overall record - 32-9-1 (.774)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tuesday in Holy Week - 241.2

235 is a long shot at this point. I'm 7 back with 17 to go.

Daily change: -0.4
WTD change: +0.4
7 days loss: -3.4
April loss: -2.6
Cumulative loss: -25.2
Left to go: 61.2

April record - 5-1 (.833)
Overall record - 31-9-1 (.768)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday in Holy Week - 241.6

The Phillies lost and I lost. Not a good start to the year (or the week).

Daily change: +0.8
WTD change: +0.8
7 days loss: -3.6
April loss: -2.2
Cumulative loss: -24.8
Left to go: 61.6

April record - 4-1 (.800)
Overall record - 30-9-1 (.763)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday - 240.8

Just shy of my goal of 240, but 10 wins in a row is pretty impressive, if I do say so myself, and I'm in position to hit 235 by Easter.

Hosanna Filio David, Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. Rex Israel: Hosanna in excelsis.

Daily change: -0.2
WTD change: -4.6
7 days loss: -4.6
April loss: -3.0
Cumulative loss: -25.6
Left to go: 60.8

April record - 4-0 (1.000)
Overall record - 30-8-1 (.782)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Saturday in Passion Week - 241.0

Two years ago, I lost eight pounds during Holy Week. This year, I have six (possibly seven) singing engagements instead of four. Maybe I'll lose 12 pounds this time?

Daily change: -0.8
WTD change: -4.4
7 days loss: -5.2
April loss: -2.8
Cumulative loss: -25.4
Left to go: 61.0

April record - 3-0 (1.000)
Overall record - 29-8-1 (.776)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday in Passion Week (formerly Our Lady of Sorrows) - 241.8

I like the feast better here, but this Vatican II reform I actually understand. Nonetheless....
Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.

Daily change: -1.0
WTD change: -3.6
7 days loss: -6.2
April loss: -2.0
Cumulative loss: -24.6
Left to go: 61.8

April record - 2-0 (1.000)
Overall record - 28-8-1 (.770)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday in Passion Week - 242.8

Still behind the pace to get to 235 by Easter.

Daily change: -1.0
WTD change: -2.6
7 days loss: -6.4
April loss: -1.0
Cumulative loss: -23.6
Left to go: 62.8

April record - 1-0 (1.000)
Overall record - 27-8-1 (.764)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wednesday in Passion Week - 243.8

Finished off March with six in a row. 11 more days until Easter....

Daily change: -0.8
WTD change: -1.6
7 days loss: -3.8
March loss: -16.8
Cumulative loss: -22.6
Left to go: 63.8

March record - 23-7-1 (.758)
Overall record - 26-8-1 (.757)