Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm full.

I haven't been full in four days. But I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I did eat dinner late (only 15 minutes, and I have cause), but I don't know if I ate too much for dinner or if I just have a smaller capacity for food as a result of eating less. I wouldn't think my stomach would shrink that fast, but I have no evidence to back up that claim. I guess I'll know in the morning.

Speaking of the morning, since tomorrow is Holly's birthday, I'm making breakfast. We're actually making it together tonight, but I will bake it in the morning. For anyone who has a Betty Crocker cookbook, it's "Apple, Bacon and Cheddar Bread Pudding" on page 236. For anyone who doesn't, buy one. I won't be eating it (instead making myself my standard breakfast of eggs and toast), but I can't see how it won't be fantastic.

Speaking of recipes, I went to a friend's new house party last night, and another friend brought a dish that was known to all in the room as "heaven in log form". Of course, I wouldn't dare touch it - I was only a few blocks from Kellie, who rules over my diet with an iron fist, and I didn't want to cause a disturbance in the Force. I did inquire where I could get the recipe for future reference, to which I was told, "Google Bacon Explosion".

Bacon wrapped in sausage wrapped in BBQ bacon. I cannot WAIT for Easter.

Speaking of Easter... I got nothin'.

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